2010年1月28日 星期四

Web 2.0


前幾天聽朋友(50後的老朋友)報讀web 2.0的課程,深感奇怪。

據我所識web 2.0並非某種電腦的應用軟件或者程式語言,只是一個籠統的稱呼來劃分網站世代:第一代的網站,內容單一由網主提供,但第二代網站(web 2.0)的設計著重鼓勵和提供便捷的上載支援,讓所有的網站用戶都能參與提供網站內容,所以非常奇怪這樣的統稱如何能夠報讀?莫非自己對web 2.0一直理解錯誤,被眾人心裏竊笑而不自知,立即回家查找,趕快有錯必改。

幸好翻查網上維基web 2.0的定義和由來:

"Web 2.0"不是一個技術的標準,因為Web 2.0只是一個用來闡述技術轉變的術語。這個術語是由O'Reilly的Dale Dougherty 和 MediaLive 的 Craig Cline 在共同合作的腦力激盪(brain storming)會議上提出來的。... Dougherty則是舉例說明——“DoubleClick是Web 1.0,Google AdSense 則是Web 2.0。 Ofoto是Web 1.0;Flickr 則是Web 2.0”,而不是給出確切的定義"

發現和自己的理解相去不遠,只是虛驚一場。Web 2.0的表表者相信大家都會同意是Facebook, YouTube, eBay 和 Wikipedia,這些網站只提供一個平台,內容全由用家提供,有沒有想過這些毫無統籌的大雜匯資訊,憑甚麼吸引著你、吸引著我呢?


分享不一定只在網上,我平常遇到電腦問題,必問Kenneth Wong;忘記某個中文字的寫法,必問Ben Luk;對中國歷史有疑問,可能你不相信,但我的確常問Lindsay Servian;保健食品,我問Flora;數碼相機,問Corey Chan ... 公司內的同事各有所長,資源無限,如果能夠互相分享,每位參予的同事必會變得更"精靈",相信很多同事都聽過我不只一次提出Sharing Session,我們能夠分享的除了互通物資,分享美食外,還可以分享知識和資訊,十八美的組織其實可以推展為更大的網絡,我們都是某方面的專家,Jenny Hon是powerpoint專家,可以解答許多工作上遇到的問題,Shirley Chan做媽媽的經驗非常豐富,準媽媽、新媽媽的難題一定難不倒她,Simon Wu對加拿大暸如指掌 ... 我除了投資,亦喜歡烹飪,看書,隨時準備分享,如果平台準備好,可別忘了邀請我。

8 則留言:

  1. Please spare some valuable time of yours to visit Shenzhen more that you can write more passages about it then. Thanks in advance

  2. 春節前,公司好似開始派發大信封,不是有人工加或有花紅,而是歲晚無情雞。 祝大家好運!!!

    大家可重溫Debbie之前2009年12月22日寫過的「利益相關者 (stakeholders) 的排序」,可有另一番體會。


  3. Guess you are UYP colleagues. In fact, I need your valuable time to feed me useful information so that I can understand more about Shenzhen and mainland market. Still don't understand why Guangzhou's property price is lower than Shenzhen and will this differentiation last?

  4. For clarification, the 匿名 who always replies in English is 毒男 indeed. Per price differential, if you like, I can make an arrangement for your discussion with the management of the biggest SZ property agent. BTW, I would like to share with you what follows:-

  5. English 匿名 = 毒男 = NC who's working on the SZ vertical who always requests for your travel/investment opinion

  6. This is too confusing. Why don't you register a user name so that I can always identify you, please.

  7. Thanks for suggesting a meeting with SZ property agent, but I prefer layman's views rather than experts'.

    Don't get me wrong, I like speculation, too. I just don't know how????? Most welcome if you can share your techniques here.

  8. Sorry for the confusion. From now on I will use the name 毒男. For SZ property, because of the lack of creditworthy data from the govt., only the business practioners can give the genuine transaction figures, especially prices.

    Per speculation, I rely heavily on MACD (12,26,9), slow stochastics (5,5,5), fibonacci and chart patterns in particular trend lines. The less my personal/fundamental view, the better my results.

